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Failure to pay child support may lead to criminal liability - Ombudsman
What issues are raised in appeals received by the Ombudsman from Surkhandarya region?
Students' knowledge of the Constitution is being strengthened in schools
Students of Tashkent State University of Law familiarized themselves with the activities of the Ombudsman
An open dialogue with citizens was held based on an analysis of appeals from Navoi region
The Human Rights Ombudsman met with the Head of the OSCE (ODIHR) Mission
Students are taught important skills to defend their rights
Official visit of the Ombudsman of Uzbekistan to Poland: meeting with the representative of OSCE/ODIHR
The IX meeting of the Eurasian Ombudsman Alliance took place
Senate Committee discussed a new version of the law regulating the Ombudsman’s activities
Inmates are trained in occupations based on their interests
The Ombudsman held an open dialog with compatriots in Poland