A monitoring visit to a women's colony was conducted under the leadership of the Ombudsman
What is the procedure for withholding overpayments from an employee? On the basis of an appeal to the Ombudsman, accountants were fined
Cooperation between the Ombudsman and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is being strengthened
The regional representative of the Ombudsman in Tashkent visited the spot to investigate the appeal
Ombudsman schools and mobile receptions are organized in remote areas
Finland's experience in working with citizens' appeals
There are 15 elderly people living in the “Sakhovat” boarding house in Tashkent, who have children
The Authorized Person for Human Rights of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan conducted a training for master's students
Last "Ombudsman Hours" of the current year was conducted at schools
Patients without identity documents were determined in the dispensary of Bukhara
The Ombudsman's international cooperation in safeguarding human rights is being strengthened