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The appeal of a citizen who for many years tried to allocate a share in housing was positively resolved with the help of the Ombudsman
A monitoring visit was made to correctional colony No. 11 of the Navoi region
The first meeting of Ombudsmen of Turkic-speaking countries was held in Budapest
Cooperation between the Ombudsmen of Uzbekistan and Hungary in the field of ensuring human rights is being strengthened
The Ombudsman received an appeal from the Syrdarya about the lack of drinking water
Ombudsman met with US Ambassador to Uzbekistan
A monitoring visit was made to pre-trial detention center No. 1 of the Tashkent region
Criminal cases against 21 people convicted in connection with the riots in Nukus are being considered on appeal
Official statement of the Ombudsman regarding the situation with the spread of torture
On the activities of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) with appeals in 2022 BRIEFING
The Authorized Person for Human Rights held another reception for citizens
On the recommendation of the regional representative of the Ombudsman, a fair of products produced in colonies was held in the Navoi region