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The Ombudsman filed statements of claim to the courts in the interests of citizens whose seniority was not taken into account
Citizens S.Z., T.K., Sh.A. and R.M. appealed to the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) with a request to assist in canceling the decisions of the commission for the appointment of pensions and benefits, recalculating the work experience of citizens.

In order to comprehensively study these appeals in the manner prescribed by law, they were studied by the regional representative of the Ombudsman Utkir Juraev with all the necessary documents with the participation of citizens.

It was established that citizens S.Z., T.K., Sh.A. and R.M. denied enrollment of their work experience for a certain period when assigning a pension due to the lack of data on wages for this period in the archive.

The Ombudsman, on the basis of complaints from citizens S.Z., T.K., Sh.A. and R.A. sent statements of claim to the Jizzakh Interdistrict Court for Administrative Cases.

According to the decisions of the Jizzakh Interdistrict Court for Administrative Cases dated June 23, 2022, the claims were satisfied, and the court ordered the Jizzakh city pension department to review the pensions of S.Z., T.K., Sh.A., R.M. and add the work experience of citizens for the above period.

As a result of the restoration of the rights of citizens S.Z., T.K., Sh.A. and R.A. were provided with an increase in their pensions.

It should be noted that when filing a claim by the Ombudsman, citizens are exempted from paying the state fee.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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