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An appeal under the Ombudsman’s supervision. Who uses the land allotted for youth employment in agriculture?
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman) received an appeal from a citizen of Karakul district of Bukhara region N.N. about the fact that the harvest of grain and straw that remained after harvesting of grain grown on the land allocated for the purposes of youth employment were not given to this citizen. Also, this citizen isn’t allocated a plot of land for reseeding.

According to the relevant protocol decision of the Cabinet of Minister’s of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2, 2021 in order to ensure youth employment in agriculture, financial support, creating new jobs in rural areas, the applicant was granted a subleases of part of the land of the farm “Navruz Botir” in Karakul district. Ten acres of land were allocated from the farm’s grain acreage. Due to the fact that all agro-technical activities related to the cultivation of grain on this land were carried out by the farm “Navruz Botir”, the grain was harvested by the farm. However, the applicant’s share wasn’t allocated to him.

Citizen N.N. writes in his application “…after I failed to get my share of the crop and wanted to re-sow, I was told that the Navruz Botir farm had already sown on the land. However, I wasn’t allocated any land until august”.

 After, the Ombudsman had reviewed the complaint and on the basis of the Ombudsman’s appeal to the prosecutor’s office the case was resolved in favor of the citizen. He was charged a share of the garin crop on ten acres of land.

In addition, the land provided to the applicant was returned with secondary crops planted.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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