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The Authorized Person for Children's Rights studied the provision of children's rights in institutions of Navoi region
Under the leadership of the Deputy Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) – the Authorized Person for the Rights of the Child Aliya Yunusova and the employees of the Child Rights Sector on April 6-9 of this year monitored the observance of the law on the rights of the child in institutions, services, bodies responsible for guardianship and protection of children, as well as in educational and medical institutions of Navoi region.

During the monitoring, the living conditions and nutrition, as well as working conditions and medical care for children in special educational institutions for visually impaired children in the Navoi region, the ongoing spiritual and educational work and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements during the coronavirus pandemic were studied.

City of Navoi "House of Mercy";

  • Children's town of Tomdinsky district;
  • “Center for social and legal assistance to minors”;
  • Navoi regional psychiatric dispensary;
  • Kyzyltepa regional specialized boarding school No. 36;
  • Special preschool educational organization No. 16 in Navoi;
  • Specialized boarding school No. 25 of the Karmaninsky district.

According to available data, today there are 1991 minors in Navoi district

who have been deprived of parental care. Of these, 1181 were taken under guardianship, 352 - for sponsorship, 439 - for adoption, 8 - adopted into families (patronage) and 11 – are  in orphanages.

Initially, the Monitoring was carried out in the “House of Mercy” in Navoi. As of April 1, 2021, 61 children are studying at the institution, 13 of whom are orphans. It turned out that by 2020, 30 inmates of the institution had been returned to their families. The institution pays great attention to the formation of social and life skills of pupils. At the same time, various trainings and courses on modern computer programming skills were organized for students. The building of the House of Mercy, located at 8a Zarafshan Street, Navoi city, is in good condition. However, the construction and maintenance of medical offices, kitchens, toilets of the "Homes of Mercy" and boarding schools do not meet the requirements of sanitary regulations.

The Authorized Person for Children's Rights paid special attention to the situation with the provision of housing for orphans and children left without parental care who graduated from educational institutions. According to the information provided, 12 children graduated from the institution in 2020, 7 of them are accommodated in hostel No. 2 of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the city of Navoi. The rest 5 live in university dormitories. In fact, these graduates should be provided with free, separate, comfortable and cozy housing in accordance with the norms established by the law, as well as in accordance with the established sanitary and technical standards.

In 2016-2017, two graduates were provided with two-room houses. The 2020 graduates will only be provided with dorm rooms. Also, 6 pupils over 18 years old study at the institution. According to the law, pupils must remain in the institution until the completion of compulsory general secondary and secondary specialized education, after which they are provided with separate housing.

The Ombudsman got acquainted with the conditions in the institution and talked with the children brought up there.

Children's Ombudsman Aliya Yunusova:

Every time I visit a specialized institution, I see broken hearts, pain and despair in the eyes of the children. Yes, the state creates all conditions for them to live comfortably in orphanages. But no teacher can ever replace the love and care of parents.

The next object of monitoring was the children's community of the Tomdinsky district. According to the legislation, the educational process in the children's community is organized according to the family type. Children, under the guidance of a guardian, are divided into groups called families. Each family has 6 to 8 children of different ages. The teacher must take into account the wishes of children when choosing an educational institution and form of education for the pupil and create conditions for the general secondary education of children. Upbringing methods should be free from disrespectful, cruel, rude attitude, degrading the dignity of children.

In 2019, 10 cottages were built in this institution, in each of which 7-8 children live in close proximity to the family. The children's community was created with the aim of realizing the rights of children deprived of parental care and fully supported by the state to life and upbringing in the family, as well as to ensure their comprehensive moral, labor education and upbringing for social adaptation and integration into society.

As of March 2021, there are 64 children in the orphanage, 5 of whom are orphans.

This institution has modern and comfortable conditions, but there is no indoor gym. Also, the library, whose fund is 4070 books, does not have a full-time librarian in accordance with the Regulation "On the Children's community " No. 739, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on November 21, 2020.

10 children over 18 years old live in the children's community in violation of the established order. This institution also did not take the necessary measures to provide graduates with housing from the responsible state bodies and organizations. Unfortunately, 34 more children who graduated from this institution now need housing.

Children's Ombudsman Aliya Yunusova:

Failure to provide housing for children left without parental care and graduates of orphanages, in turn, creates serious problems for these categories of persons in terms of registration at the place of permanent residence, employment and access to medical care. Given the complexity of the situation, the responsible organizations for children are advised to promptly resolve issues and provide information about them.

Individual and group meetings were organized with the staff, patients and wards of the aforementioned institutions supervised by the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child. More than 100 citizens were interviewed at group meetings and about 20 at individual meetings. Suggestions and appeals have been studied. Detailed information about other studied objects will also be provided.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis

 for Human Rights (Ombudsman)


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