Sayt test rejimida ishlamoqda / Сайт тест режмида ишламоқда / The site is running in test mode / Сайт работает в тестовом режиме
The appeals of citizens living in the Khorezm districts bordering Turkmenistan have been studied
A regional approach to women's economic, social and political empowerment
Cultural and Educational Events Organized for Inmates in Navoi Region Colonies
Former security guard not being paid appealed to the Ombudsman
At the request of citizens, a traffic light was installed at an intersection with an increased risk of an accident – Ombudsman
A representative of the Ombudsman participated in a seminar on Council of Europe conventions
"Ombudsman School" project in Karakalpakstan
An appeal has been addressed to the Ombudsman about a father who abused his wife and son
What are the conditions for convicted prisoners in Finnish prisons?
Central Asian human rights ombudsmen familiarized themselves with the activities of the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Supreme Administrative Court and the Prosecutor General's Office
Citizens' Complaints from Remote Areas of Khorezm, Surkhandarya, and Tashkent Regions Studied
Mutual cooperation between Ombudsmen of Finland and the countries of Central Asia is being strengthened.