The Authorized Person for Human Rights participated in the VI meeting of the Eurasian Ombudsman Alliance
The Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights met with the Ombudsman of Tatarstan
The Authorized Person for Human Rights met with a foreign journalist
A representative of the Authorized Person for Human Rights in Surkhandarya examined the operation of polling stations in prisons
Ombudsman met with Egyptian International observers
Ensuring the rule of law, human rights and interests is a guarantee of the country’s development and the well-being of the people
The Ombudsman pointed out errors in the handling of appeals
An appeal under the Ombudsman’s supervision. Who uses the land allotted for youth employment in agriculture?
Ombudsman: a citizen living in difficult conditions provided with an apartment
As a result of the intervention of the Ombudsman, the consumer’s complaint was resolved
Regional representative of the Authorized Person for Human Rights in Kashkadarya met with convicts
Ombudsman visited Samarkand region and studied the issue of human rights protection