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The study of the Сommission is based on the appeals of citizens
Under the leadership of the Regional Representative of the Ombudsman in the Navoi region, the state of health of convicts is being studied - The vision of 3 convicts has been restored
On September 13, more than 60 appeals were received by the members of the Commission
Members of the Commission study the appeals of citizens
Cooperation between the Ombudsmen of Uzbekistan and Poland is developing
International practice on monitoring closed institutions was studied
The Ombudsman studied the opinion of our compatriots in Poland
Members of the Сommission regularly receive citizens' appeals regarding the situation in Karakalpakstan
High-level meetings of heads of national human rights institutions in the OSCE region were held
What was revealed at the meeting of the members of the commission with Dauletmurat Tajimuratov?
The Authorized Person for Human Rights arrived from Karakalpakstan for the next reception of citizens
Prosecutor General's Office returned 24 suspects to their families on a voluntary basis