Questions to determine the degree of correction of convicted persons will be considered with the participation of regional representatives of the Ombudsman
47 prisoners in a colony in Karakalpakstan need surgery – Ombudsman
Researchers from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs are familiarized in detail with the Ombudsman's activities
As a result of studying the appeal, 26 million soums of wages were recovered – Ombudsman
The Ombudsman Experience: Human Rights as an Important Factor in the Sustainable Development of Countries
The court's decision regarding the reinstatement in the workplace was carried out after the intervention of the Ombudsman
The winners of the Ombudsman's Quiz "Huquq bilimdoni" were awarded
Ombudsman held a regular reception of citizens
The Ombudsman sent an appeal to ensure the rights of migrants in Russia
The first Ombudsman-led monitoring took place in Navoi in 2024
An appeal to the Ombudsman concerning non-payment of maternity benefits