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On the activities of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) with appeals in 2022 BRIEFING
In total, in 2022, the Ombudsman received 17,761 appeals from citizens and stateless persons of the Republic of Uzbekistan, foreign citizens and authorized foreign states, as well as persons held in closed institutions with limited freedom of movement, their close relatives and lawyers. Compared to 2021, this figure decreased by 977 or 5.2 percent.

Although 95 complaints were deemed anonymous, the issues raised in them were investigated and appropriate action taken.

As a result of the measures taken to drastically reduce the number of repeat applications, their number decreased by 15.8% compared to 2021.

When analyzing appeals by the population of the regions, it was found that most of the questions fall on the city of Tashkent, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Navoi and Jizzakh regions. In the context of districts and cities, the largest number of applications came from Koson district of Kashkadarya region (600) and the city of Karshi (414), Denov district of Surkhandarya region (370).

Since 2022, the regional representatives of the Ombudsman have started working in the regions on a permanent basis. This made it possible to save time and money for citizens arriving at the center, quickly study applications on the spot, and expand the volume of control visits.

In 2022, the Authorized Person sent 134 documents in the form of enforcement measures to state bodies and institutions on the restoration of violated rights of citizens, including 20 conclusions, 36 submissions, 78 claims.

Also, based on the appeals of the Commissioner, directed in the interests of citizens, the organizations filed 13 lawsuits with the courts.

The Ombudsman's employees participated in court sessions as observers 143 times.

If we dwell on the results, then in 2022, based on the appeals of citizens, the amount of penalties collected and imposed amounted to 2 billion 372 million soums.

As a result of consideration of appeals related to legal relations caused by the debt of citizens, causing harm to health, material and moral damage, other obligatory payments, more than 1 billion 358 million soums were recovered in favor of citizens.

In addition, the collection of alimony payments in the amount of more than 45.4 million soums was ensured.

As a result of consideration of appeals related to legal relations caused by the debt of citizens, causing harm to health, material and moral damage, other obligatory payments, more than 1 billion 358 million soums were recovered in favor of citizens.

In addition, the collection of alimony payments in the amount of more than 45.4 million soums was ensured.

The total amount of recovered unpaid wages of citizens and payments related to labor relations amounted to 505 million 914 thousand soums.

At the same time, with the support of the Ombudsman, a total of 447.1 million soums of material assistance, business subsidies and other types of financial assistance were allocated to citizens.

Also, 13 citizens were restored to work, 4 citizens were provided with jobs.

It was established that the fact of work of 14 citizens in harmful working conditions.

A decision was made to recalculate the length of service not taken into account when calculating pensions for 7 citizens

The fact of birth of about 30 people living in Muruvvat houses was established, and their documents were issued.

24 women are included in the “Women's Notebook”, 12 citizens are included in the “Youth Notebook”, 5 citizens are included in the “Iron Notebook”. 3 citizens were given housing, and 9 women were given “protection orders”.

As a result of providing practical assistance to 2 citizens in obtaining the benefits established by law, they were admitted to a higher educational institution. Based on the results of the study of citizens' appeals with complaints about the actions of officials of state bodies and organizations, 3 responsible law enforcement officers were brought to disciplinary responsibility for improper performance of their duties, 1 person received a strict warning.

In 10 cases, decisions to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings were canceled and a decision was made to conduct pre-investigation checks.

Based on the request of the Ombudsman, violations in the actions of responsible employees of state bodies were revealed, 3 responsible employees were dismissed from their positions, 22 responsible persons received a disciplinary sanction “reprimand”, 6 responsible persons were subjected to a disciplinary sanction “fine” in the amount of 30.0% of the average monthly wages, 3 responsible employees were brought to administrative responsibility for negligent attitude to their work.

As a result of the analysis of the problems and shortcomings identified by the Ombudsman on the basis of citizens' appeals, a number of proposals and recommendations for amendments and additions to the legislation were developed, which were submitted to the relevant state bodies and organizations for study.

Separately, it should be noted that in 2022, the Ombudsman received 61 appeals from foreign citizens, citizens of Uzbekistan abroad, ombudsmen of foreign states. Of these, 26 appeals were sent by the Ombudsmen of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, the Russian Federation and other countries. More than 70 percent of these appeals were resolved positively.

In particular, in a criminal case initiated in a third state against a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.Sh., who was arrested in Georgia due to cooperation with the Public Defender of Georgia (Ombudsman), the chosen measure of restraint in the form of detention was replaced by house arrest.

Also, as a result of the work carried out jointly with the Akyikatchy (Ombudsman) of the Kyrgyz Republic, the sentence against a resident of the Jizzakh region B.R., found guilty under a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, was replaced by a fine on the principle of humanism, and he was released from the courtroom. In addition, Akyikatchy (Ombudsman) of the Kyrgyz Republic provided practical assistance to citizen B.R. in the preparation of documents for traveling abroad.

The information presented today relates only to the activities of the Authorized Person for Human Rights in considering applications. The next briefing will be about the activities of the Ombudsman for the Prevention of Torture in 2022.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

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