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The official position of the Ombudsman on the appeal of Dilshod Torakhodzhaev to the President about the use of torture against him
It is known that the appeal of businessman Dilshod Torakhodzhaev to the President about torture caused widespread discussions in social networks.

It should be noted that with the dissemination of initial information about the use of torture against Torakhodzhaev D., that is, on May 6, 2023, the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) and members of public groups under her leadership visited pre-trial detention center No. 1 and had a conversation with given citizen.

During the conversation, Torakhodzhaev D. stated that he was subjected to moral and physical pressure in the police department of the Popsky district of Namangan region, and then in the internal affairsdepartment of Tashkent city, and as a result of torture, he confessed to committing a crime.

On the same day, the Ombudsman's petition was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office to ensure a comprehensive, complete and legal investigation of cases of torture against D. Torakhodzhaev.

The Prosecutor's Office has not provided a final answer to the Ombudsman's appeal, as pre-investigation actions have not been completed.

It should be noted that the Ombudsman does not have the authority to conduct investigations. Complaints of torture submitted to the Ombudsman are sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for investigation and appropriate action in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The appeal, read out by lawyer D. Torakhodzhaev, states that the businessman's state of health is unsatisfactory, he needs the help of a qualified doctor and MRI and ultrasound examinations. Therefore, on June 15, 2023, the Authorized Personand members of public groups under the Ombudsman visited SIZO No. 1, met with D. Torakhodzhaev and had an individual conversation.

D. Turakhuzhaev stated that he had no complaints about the employees of SIZO No. 1 and the conditions of detention, only that a full medical examination had not been carried out, that pre-investigation actions on the fact of torture against him were dragging on, and with regard to the employees who tortured him no action has been taken so far.

The Ombudsman is taking measures to organize the provision of qualified medical care and medical examination to D. Torakhodzhaev. Also, on the basis of his complaint, a control letter from the Ombudsman was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office.

Press Service of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman)


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